Ever been attacked by a “straw man”? No? Well that might be because this normally happens only in horror movies. Nevertheless, to a patent attorney this could be a real possibility when representing clients in opposition proceedings at the EPO. It has long been established in EPO case law that an opposition against a European […]
The fundamental importance of antibodies can be seen in the pharmaceutical industry’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Antibodies are a vital part of the adaptive immune system, enabling the recognition of a plethora of different antigens. In healthcare, the specific binding of antibodies to a particular target protein means that they are also immensely important […]
If you’re reading this article you will probably know that it is a patent claim that defines the monopoly sought. Because of this, it is often regarded as the most important part of a patent application and whilst this may or may not be true, it is certain that the claims are subject to the […]