In a continually evolving and ever-expanding sector, the Medical Technology group assists clients throughout the world with protection and enforcement of IP in Europe and elsewhere.
The term ‘medical technology’ covers devices and systems developed for use in a diverse range of diagnostic, therapeutic and IT-driven disciplines. This is reflected in the technical backgrounds of our group members.
Our cross-discipline group has expertise in securing patent protection in all major areas of medical technology, providing freedom-to-operate and patentability opinions, invention harvesting and, where appropriate, protecting the appearance of products by design registration and registering trade marks for product names.
The first degrees of the group members encompass areas such as chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, microbiology, genetics and physics. The team also includes a former Patent Examiner and an in-house patent attorney for a multi-national producer of medical equipment. Another member of the group has worked for a major manufacturer of medical imaging components.
Collectively the group has experience in protecting inventions in such fields as foetal monitoring, dental implants, ultrasonic and microwave imaging apparatus, tomographic techniques and related software, endoscopy devices, soft tissue surgical tools, stent manufacture, pharmaceutical packaging and container closures, limb prostheses, simulation systems, dialysis machines, infusion pumps, biological growth plate scanners, electrosurgical instruments and respiratory drug therapies. Our group Trade Mark specialist has experience in advising clients in such fields as electro-surgical devices, dental technology and dermatology.
Our clients range from individuals and SME’s to multinational corporations and include University research departments and spin out companies.
For further information please contact the group's lead attorney: